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Bulverde Little League

Bulverde Little League

Parent-Umpire Interaction Policy

BLL Umpire Interaction Policy

BLL has a zero tolerance policy for behavior that is disrespectful, discourteous, or may in any way be construed as intimidating towards its umpires. With this policy, we hope to maintain an environment in BLL that is both umpire friendly and that teaches our players to have respect for those in positions of authority.    Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary actions including suspensions and potentially expulsion from BLL.

Players, coaches, and fans should understand that any critical behavior towards umpires (the kind that is all too common at professional sporting events and some other youth sports programs) will not be tolerated in BLL. Basically, we want every coach and parent to treat the umpire the way they would want to be treated if it was their son or daughter that was the umpire. It is far more productive for a player, coach, or team to react to disadvantageous umpire calls by focusing on how to overcome those "bad breaks," rather than focusing on the umpire who is just doing the best that he/she can.

Our umpire crew is comprised of adult volunteers, and paid adults and youths between the ages of 12 years old and up.  Our youth umpire program is an important part of our mission to provide the kids of Bulverde with a positive environment to grow and learn through sports.  All our umpires must feel they are safe and protected.

Parent Interaction With Umpires:

Parents should enter every game with the understanding that at least one "bad" call will likely be made and that some of those calls could possibly influence the outcome of the game.   Even in the professional umpire ranks, including the World Series, critical calls are missed, so they will more than likely be missed at the Little League level. 

No questioning or comments from spectator areas regarding umpire calls.

No direct questioning by parents of umpires during or after games – questions should be directed to your coach at a later time.

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