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Bulverde Little League

Bulverde Little League

Parent Code of Conduct

Parent/Player Code of Conduct


BLL strives to create a positive atmosphere where children learn the game of baseball or softball, develop values and have fun. All members of the BLL community have a role to play in creating this positive atmosphere. By giving careful thought to these codes of conduct and putting effort into living up to them, you can help create this positive atmosphere.

Please read the Parent’s Code of Conduct below and review the Player’s Code of Conduct with your child. Both parents and the player should then sign as indicated.



Parent's Code of Conduct


Your child and their team:

·         Be supportive of your child. Cheer them on at all times, especially when they struggle.

·         Do not yell at or speak negatively to your child or their teammates in public.

·         Do not coach your child or their teammates during a game (unless you are a coach).

·         Do not ever let any player feel like they lost the game. The team wins and the team loses.


Your opponents:

·         Never yell at or speak negatively to an opposing coach, parent or player.

·         Do not engage in cheering that could be considered disrespectful to or might interfere with the performance of the opposing team.


The umpires:

·         Never yell at, criticize or even offer advice to an umpire (even in a polite manner). Comments should be directed to your coach or a league administrator.

·         Never blame the outcome of a game on an umpire. Umpire’s decisions are not always correct, but successful players learn how to overcome those decisions, not use them as excuses.


Your coach/team:

·         Do drop off and pick up your child on time for practices and games.

·         Do keep your coach informed about absences or late arrivals that can’t be avoided.

·         Do remain off the field and out of the dugout unless you are serving in an official capacity.

·         Do help the coach or team parent out by volunteering for team duties. Make sure you are doing your fair share.

·         If you are not satisfied with an aspect of your child’s experience, talk to the coach about it at a time he/she can listen. Generally, this is not immediately before or after a game.



The League:

·         Understand that BLL only happens through the efforts of our volunteers. Be appreciative of their efforts.

·         Criticism should be directed first to your coach, then to a Board member.

·         If any confrontation does occur, please step in and act as a peacemaker.

·         Never swear.

·         Never drink alcoholic beverages at a game or practice.


Consequences: Parents that cannot live up to this code of conduct will be prevented from attending games and/or will have their child’s playing privileges suspended.


Player's Code of Conduct

·         Listen to and respect the directions of coaches and umpires during all league activities.

·         Never argue with or show disrespect towards the umpire or coaches.

·         Be positive with your teammates. Don't criticize.

·         Do not harass or act disrespectfully towards the opposing team.

·         Regularly attend practices and games. When you miss a game or practice, apologize to the coach.

·         Be on time (tell your parents this is important to you). If you are late, apologize to your coach.

·         Do not throw bats or helmets. These actions can lead to an immediate ejection from a game.

·         Do not intentionally hurt another player. This will lead to an immediate ejection from the game, suspension from future games, and/or dismissal from the team.

·         Never swear.

·         Clean up the dugout after every game. Ask the coach what else you can do to help.



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